Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Horrible MOM

OK I am a horrible mom, or just horrible at taking memory pictures. I ALWAYS forget to take my camera with me whenever we are doing something memorable. So I'm just going to have to tell you about them because I don't have any pictures. On the second Sunday of every month we get together with Keldons family for birthdays (every month but Sept.). Well this month we also did Christmas. There are 3 families that wont be there for Christmas (including us) so we exchanged Christmas gifts from the kids. Each grandchild draws a name and they get a gift for their cousin. Jase gave to Bri and Zoe to Isabelle. Zoe got a hid-and-seek Care Bear and Jase got a spiderman book and a batman figure. All the grandkids were all in the living room with their parents (22 grandkids by the way). It was so much fun. We also did quilt squares to donate to an organization that puts the quilts together and gives one quilt to each family that has lost a soldier in the war. It was a lot of fun making those squares. And of course I don't have any pictures of them either.

On Monday for family night we decided to bundle up the kids (about 4 layers of cloths each) and took them up to Temple Square to look at the lights. Zoe looked like a big pink marshmallow connected to my side and Jase was bundled up in a blanket in the stroller. The lights were beautiful and they had many different nativity scenes. The most beautiful I thought was the one on the reflection pond. Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus were in the middle floating on the water. They were lit up by spotlights all around them. Their reflection could be seen as well as the Temple. It was so beautiful. The kids loved it. Even though it was very cold they had a lot of fun looking around at all the lights. I wish I could have remembered my camera because the pictures of how Zoe looked would have been great. She would barley move. She hates the cold, you can tell she was born in Florida.

Hopefully I'll be better with pictures and keep my camera on me. Wish me luck. I can't afford to keep missing out on these wonderful photo ops.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The start of Winter Times

It hasn't snowed too much here in Utah yet, so this was the first snow. I think it was in November. Not sure. So I let Jase and Zoe go out to play.

Zoe out in the snow marching around.

Jase making a snow castle.

I love the hair in this picture. All over the place.

Zoe figuring out the snow in her hands.

Jase decided to climb the tree. He didn't get too far.

After we played in the snow. I decided I needed to get a better snow suite for Zoe so this is what I got. Shes a big pink marshmallow.

Pumpkin carving and trick or treating

Sorry these are so late. This holiday season gets the best of me and I never seem to be able to get everything done I want to. So better late than never. For Halloween I love carving pumpkins so I think I carved 8 or so of them. Some were really big too. Then we took the kids trick or treating and even me and Keldon dressed up. It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it.

Zoe loved the gooey inside of the pumpkin. Jase decided that he really didn't want to carve any.

Sorry the pictures are sideways, it won't let me fix it. These are just 3 of the pumpkins we carved. And our family right before we went around for candy. If you can see all the pumpkins by us. I did all but one. Keldon was worried about putting any out early, he thought someone might come by and break them, well no one did, but we found we had one extra pumpkin that no one knows where it came from. Some one donated us a pumpkin so thank you to whoever it was.

Jase and Zoe by the skeleton me and Jase made and the pumpkins. The little pumpkins in front are the ones from my garden.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Family Pictures

It was time again to get our family pictures. I like to try and do them once a year but the past little while has been a bit hard. So I decided to just do them. We went to Kiddie Kandids and it was so great. The lady that took our pictures did soooo good with the kids. She was making Jase and Zoe laugh, which says a lot because Zoe was in a bad mood. Overall I am so happy we went and got them done. I love the way they turned out.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Party

Here are some pictures from the Halloween Party we went to. I was so much fun, we loved it. There were a bunch of couples from our ward and we went to our R.S. presidents parents home in Deer Valley (park city). Maybe you can figure out who everyone is suppose to be. Enjoy.

My Pumpkin Patch

This last summer I decided to try out a garden. I have never had my own garden before so I was a little nervous. All I planted were small tomatoes and pumpkins. The tomatoes did good, we had cherry tomatoes and pare tomatoes, yummy. I also planted 6 pumpkin plants. I didn't know how to do this and I found out I planted them really really close to each other. I didn't think I would get anything, and if I did they would be really small. Well my pumpkins actually did really good. I was very excited. I have some pictures just so you can see. We may even turn 1 or 2 into jack-a-lanterns.


This is what happens to Zoe when she get to be too much for me.

If you really think I put her in here you don't know me. Zoe now LOVES to get into the dogs crates and shuts the door and watches all of us out in freedom. I don't know why she likes it so much, but if you try to open the door and get her out, watch out for some screaming and crying. She thinks this is the funnest thing to do. Another fun thing she found is instead of sitting in the stroller she hold on to the basket at the bottom (by where I step) with her knees on the ground and slides as I push the stroller. Interesting what kids come up with.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fun videos of Zoe

Now here are some videos of Zoe. The first is of her playing on her musical chair. She loves this chair. She sits in it, she stands in it, and she loves to dance to it. This time she was standing and dancing. I wish I would have kept shooting just a little longer because as soon as I turned off the camera she fell. It would have been one to send to funniest home videos. As sad as it was it looked really funny. It was the perfect fall off the chair- head first. The second video is of Zoe and what she loves to do. She climbs onto the computer chair and plays on the keyboard. I think she sees me working on the computer a lot and wants to be like me. She also always seems to know how to turn the computer off. Hope you enjoy.

Fun videos of Jase

These two videos or of Jase. He doesn't let me take his picture very often so I was glad that I got these videos. The first is of him in the car. We were listening to some music that he likes to sing along to. You kinda have to listen closely because it's hard to hear him. The second is of him dancing. Keldon and I finally decided that we needed to see what all the hype was about for Highschool Musical, so we rented it and Jase loves it. This is of him dancing to one of the songs.

Sorry, I have just now figured out how to get the video loaded so here is a video of Zoes first week of walking. Just so you know, as soon as she started she took off and hasn't had any problems.

Sometimes I make myself so MAD!

Today I'm going to tell you a story of how my brain doesn't always work. Jase had his field trip to the Fire House today and I was one of the parents driving. So on the way to school (3/4 of the way there) I realized I forgot my camera, and I really wanted to bring it. So I turnd around and went home and got it, which made us late. I put my camera in the diaper bag/ my purse and we went into his school (I took the purse with me). We devided up the kids to who was riding with who, so I had Jase and Zoe pluse 2 boys and 1 girl. I got them all in the car a buckeled up and we took off for the Fire House. As soon as we got there I got all the kids out of the car and went to get my purse with the camera in it, guess what I couldn't see it. I thought to myself dang I left my bag at the preschool. So I was mad at myself but figured there wasn't anything I could do about it now, so we went inside. We had a lot of fun. The Firemen were really nice and the kids loved it. I could have had some great pictures too. All the kids got to get into the fire truck and sit in the seat. They got to put on the helmet, jacket, and oxygen tank if they wanted to. Then the class got up on the front of the fire truck and got a picture with the firemen and there teachers. Well we packed back into the car and went back to preschool, where I went inside to get my bag. It wasn't there!!! I went to my car to look again, it was in the back. I had it all along and could have had those great pictures but my dang brain had to not work for me today. AHHH! so there you have it, my great story. By the way I asked his teacher to email me some of the pictures they got so when I get them I'll post them.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The things this girl gets into

With the things this girl gets into and the climbing monkey she is I had to do a post on it.
She loves to get into whatever messy thing she can and she loves to climb where she really shouldn't be. So here are some pictures.
Zoe getting up onto the stool to our table.
Now shes up there and wants on the table.

Yep that's her ON the table. AHHHH!

I took her off the table and the next second I knew she was climbing back up.

Here are some things she gets into. The cabinet in the bathroom, she slipped and fell that's why she's crying.

The movies. I keep this closed with something in front of it so it's harder for her to open. Doesn't work. She knocks down and moves what ever was in front opens the door and gets the movies out. If she can open the DVD case she does and if she can get the DVD out she does. It's a good thing the DVDs she gets to are junk ones.

The bookshelf and under. In our bedroom we have a bookshelf with the kid books in it and under the bookshelf is where I store papers that I don't know where to put them yet. Zoe loves to pull out all the books and papers to make a wonderful mess. Don't you just love the look on her face?

Fun times at home

These are just a few pictures of how the kids love to tortue us. It's a lot of fun.

Alright my turn, I've been tagged!

This is a first for me so I hope you enjoy. Thanks Chels.
Quick 5
1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
Well, I would have been 13 so I really didn't get to do much. I went to school and hung out with my friends. At that time I think my best friends were Marissa and Alyissa (my cousin).
2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today?
Well I can think of a lot more than 5 but I'll stick with the most important.
1- Take a shower.
2- When Zoe and Jase are down for naps I'll work on my MT.
3- Straiten up the house
4- Shopping for Christmas for the names the kids drew.
5- Look for Halloween costumes for Keldon and me.
3. Snacks I enjoy?
I love to much on some popcorn, chips and sometimes with cream cheese or artichoke spinach dip.
4. Places I've lived?
Highland, Orem, and Saratoga Springs Utah, and good ol' Sanford Florida.
5. Five things I'd do if I were a billionaire.
1- Me and my husband have always said if we had that much money we would buy his mother a new nice car.
2- Pay off all our dept and help out anyone that was having some trouble.
3- Put Keldon back in an airplane and not worry about how much it costs.
4- Build our own house that me an Keldon design.
5- Go on a nice vacation with family.
List of 8
8 Favorite places I love to eat?
1- Market Street Grill (this pretty much never happens because it is so expensive).
2- Subway.
3- Home (especially if I don't have to cook).
4- Grandma and Grandpa Spark home.
5- Chilies.
6- TGI Fridays.
7- Whistle Wok.
8- Red Lobster.
8 Things that happened yesterday?
1- I did all the laundry.
2- I finished 3 reports.
3- Zoe took 2 naps and Jase 1.
4- I went grocery shopping at Smiths.
5- I made Navajo tacos for dinner.
6- Keldon did the lesson for Family Night.
7- I made carmel apples for a treat.
8- I went to BED.
8 Things I look forward to?
1- Wednesday is our institute class with Bro. Webber (I love this class).
2- I get to go on a field trip with Jases class to the fire department on Wed.
3- Saturday Keldon and I are going to Park City for a Halloween Costume Party (YEAH!).
4- Halloween with the kids. I love taking them around.
5- Thanksgiving.
6- Going to California with my dad for Christmas.
7- Having our own home.
8- Jase and Zoe to take a nap today.
8 Things on my wishlist?
1- Zoe not to be sick anymore.
2- To be finished with my MT and getting paid to do it.
3- Keldon to have a job with SkyWest of Empire.
4- To be able to design and build our own home.
5- To have all our dept paid off.
6- For Jase and Zoe to be stronger in the Gospel than I ever have been.
7- To have good Family Nights every Monday.
8- To be able to help families in need.
8 People I tag?
6- BON
8- JEN
Alright there you go. I hope it's not too dull. If I just tagged you and you don't want to do it I won't be mad I promise.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pirate and Princess Party

Sorry about the delay on these. This party was on Aug. 23 so it's been a while. This was Jase and Zoe's birthday party. They were pirates and princesses. We had a lot of fun and Jase is looking forward to his next birthday party. I don't think it will be quite that big again. Sorry buddy.

Jase about to blow out his candles. This cake had a nice pirate on it. I'm not good enough to make a cake myself.

Zoe and her cake. If you couldn't guess she grabbed it with her hands before she blew out the candles.

All the beautiful princesses. (By the way everyone at the party was family).

The handsome pirates.

The kids went on a treasure hunt to find the buried treasure, now there getting there prize.

First day of Preschool

Well it's started. The school days. I'm a little excited and scared. I went around a ton of places and called every where to find Jase a good preschool. I couldn't find one that was good that didn't cost around $100 a month. So I gave up, Jase didn't want to go to school anyways. We decided just to work with him at home. Then I was driving home and had to take a detour from road work and saw a little sign if front of a house. I called and we went and took a look. Jase was really scared, but I loved it, plus it was half the price of others. He started getting comfortable and playing with the toys, so I signed him up, but we had to wait about 3 weeks. He still didn't want to go to school, so I tried to think of ways to get him excited. I let him pick out a backpack, Batman. That did it he was so excited after that. Every day he would put on his backpack and ask if he was going to school today. Two weeks later he got to go, and he has loved it since. There are about 15-16 kids in his class and only 4 or 5 are girls. It's a boys class, which I'm sure he loves. I have noticed he looks the oldest in the class which is crazy to me, it's a class for 3 and 4 year olds, he should be in the middle but looking around he is the tallest. I'm not sure if he's just taller than everyone else or he really is the oldest. But anyway he LOVES it. He has fun everyday and I get a picture to put in his book.