Now here are some videos of Zoe. The first is of her playing on her musical chair. She loves this chair. She sits in it, she stands in it, and she loves to dance to it. This time she was standing and dancing. I wish I would have kept shooting just a little longer because as soon as I turned off the camera she fell. It would have been one to send to funniest home videos. As sad as it was it looked really funny. It was the perfect fall off the chair- head first. The second video is of Zoe and what she loves to do. She climbs onto the computer chair and plays on the keyboard. I think she sees me working on the computer a lot and wants to be like me. She also always seems to know how to turn the computer off. Hope you enjoy.
These two videos or of Jase. He doesn't let me take his picture very often so I was glad that I got these videos. The first is of him in the car. We were listening to some music that he likes to sing along to. You kinda have to listen closely because it's hard to hear him. The second is of him dancing. Keldon and I finally decided that we needed to see what all the hype was about for Highschool Musical, so we rented it and Jase loves it. This is of him dancing to one of the songs.
Yep that's her ON the table. AHHHH!
The movies. I keep this closed with something in front of it so it's harder for her to open. Doesn't work. She knocks down and moves what ever was in front opens the door and gets the movies out. If she can open the DVD case she does and if she can get the DVD out she does. It's a good thing the DVDs she gets to are junk ones.