So I've been trying to get Zoe to go to sleep on her own. I've gotten her into a bad habit of either feeding her to sleep or rocking her to sleep. Then she would wake up in the night one or two times to eat and go back to sleep. So when I took her into her 9mo check up I told the Dr. about it. He is my all time favorite Dr. and is great about giving advise. He doesn't give Doctorly advise he gives advice from his experience as a dad. Well he told me that she is perfectly fine not to eat at night, it's just that she's waking up and thats the only way she knows how to put herself back to sleep. So Ive started to let her cry herself to seep at nap time and at night. We've gotten into a routine where she takes a bath, eats then goes to sleep. We have been doing this for about two weeks now and it's gotten a lot better but she still cries herself to sleep and when we go in to check on her after she's stopped crying, the picture above is the result. She will stand up crying then when she starts getting tiered she curls up into a ball on her tummy crying until she falls asleep. Sometimes she's all the way on her tummy and sometimes her feet our out in front of her. I always feel so bad when I see her in this position. But she has been seeping through the night now, and putting herself to sleep doesn't take near as long. The joys of being a parent. It's so hard to listen to your baby cry, but I know its the best for her.
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