Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jase's new school

Jase is now in a new school. So he had another 1st day of school.
He now goes to Mountainville Academy and he loves it. He doesn't really care to wear his uniform but he doesn't complain. He just really wants to wear his cool skull shoes and can't. As much as he likes it I love it too. He now has a friend in his class and a friend in the next class too. He is in a carpool so me and his friend switch off weeks for taking them to school and there are 4 of us for pick up. I only have to pick him up one day a week unless it's my Friday.
I think my favorite part of him going to this school is the curriculum. I love the reading program. They learn the sounds not just memorizing words. And for reading they put them at their own level with others at the same level, so no one is held back or pushed forward.
He has been so much happier since he's been at this school, life is wonderful.

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