I wanted to post just a couple pictures of my brothers Matts wedding. Him and Gina (my new sister-in-law) got married on base in El Paso Texas. It was a really nice small wedding. They wanted to get married before Matt was deployed to Iraq which happed the begining of May. So they had Gina's mom and dad and her sisters and a cousin. My mom and Gene and my family was there for my brother. We drove all night (not fun) to get there and then drove all the way back 16 hrs 2 days later. It was a long drive both ways but well worth it.

Gina comming down the isle with her mom and dad.

Matt & Gina and Matts side of the fam.

The cute couple.

I loved this pic. Jase and Zoe playing under a tree.

My fam.
I just want to say how happy I am that Gina is now a part of our family. She is so good to Matt and to Mason and Sage. She is such a sweet person and I don't know how she is going to survive the next year with Matt gone but she's an amazing person and I know she can do it.
There were also some great shots of dinner that night (the cake in the face and such) but my camera was horiable in that lighting and none of them came out. Sorry. Congrats Matt & Gina!