Hello everyone. I decided this was the easiest way to get our good news around to everyone. So we wanted to let everyone know that we are going to have baby #3. We are very excited and so is Jase and Zoe. Although Jase is only excited if its going to be a brother, if it's a sister he is going to be very mad. I asked him if he wanted another sister and he told me, "I don't want another sister, I already have one of those its right there" and pointed to her. Zoe just loves babies, I don't think she even knows a difference, a baby is a baby to her. Keldon is worried, of course, but happy. He's been a great help to me. I haven't been much help around the house lately. I try but I've been so much sicker with this one than the other two put together, so he usually wakes up with the kids, cooks dinner, and cleans the dishes. I do what I can, and if I have a good day I usually overdue myself. Anyways I want him to know how grateful I am to have such a wonderful husband that takes care of me.
So about the baby. I am 13 week along and am due September 8th. Sorry Stephens family we don't get a birthday break in September anymore. For any of you who don't know my family this will be grandchild # 23 and the only month that didn't have a birthday was September, well.... not anymore, sorry. I should find out if it's a girl or a boy around the end of April. Well that's just about it. I'm just telling people now because I'm one of those people that don't say anything until 12 weeks, I've always been scared of having a miscarriage and having to tell people. I commend all women who have had to go through that, I can only imagine how hard it would be. We love you all and hope everyone is doing well.
Here is a picture they took of the baby at 11 weeks. They were trying to find the heartbeat and couldn't so she pull out the ultrasound machine.