My big guy just turned 4 today. It makes me really sad. He is growing up so fast, and when I look at pictures from when he was little, I can't believe how big he is. Jase was born in Orem, UT. on Aug. 24 2004. He weighed 7 lb 9 oz and was 21 1/4 in. long.
Playing with toys
Playing outside
sissy to take his toys
scary movies
cleaning up his toys
going to bed
when people don't listen to him
Some things he does:
-If you tell Jase he's a mamas boy he will say, "No, I'm daddies."
-If you tell him to pick up his toys, he'll tell you he's getting dizzy and I feel sick.
-Every time we get into the car he races his sister to get his seatbelt on first.
-Jase loves to open the door for me.
-Jase has been so excited to turn 4 and when I asked him this morning how old he was, he looked at me and smiled and put 4 fingers up and said four, with a great big smile.
We love having Jase in our family. We would be lost without him. He has been such a blessing in our lives and a great help in our family. We love the little and big things he does, he makes us so happy. I wish he could stay just the way he is, but I'm sure it will manage with him getting bigger. We love you Jase
That is a super cute post Shelley! Happy birthday Jase! We miss you guys around here!
Happy Birthday Jase!! What a great way to remember all the fun things about him at this time in his life! :D
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